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Experience Almost Normal Hearing Even In The Most Complex Sound Environments


Opn Hearing Aids

Experience Oticon's Most Advanced Premium Solution For Yourself

Oticon's Opn hearing aids are truly a groundbreaking hearing device range. They are so small they are practically invisible but they also come in a range of shades and bright colours. The Oticon Opn is unlike any other hearing aid, instead of closing your world down to the person in front of you, it opens your world to all of the sounds around you.

Giving you better speech understanding even in the most challenging sound environments. Less listening effort, more capacity to recall and understand and better understanding through a more natural hearing strategy. This is a completely new way of processing sound and is suitable for more demanding listening environments.

Call 1800 84 88 88 now to book your free demonstration

Over One Million Opn Hearing Aids Sold Worldwide

OpenSound NavigatorOpenSound Navigator

Less stress. Remember more. Better hearing

Oticon Opn™ introduces groundbreaking technology that is fast enough to support the brain. With precision and accuracy, it analyzes the acoustic environment and differentiates between the individual sounds. The result is a significant improvement in the ability to understand speech in complex environments while, at the same time, preserving mental energy – ultimately empowering users to Open Up to the World. Users are provided with more accurate information making it easier to locate and separate sound sources so they can focus on what they find important. This happens so quickly it facilitates the listener’s ability to change focus when desired. The system gives you 360 degree sound while still ensuring the background does not overwhelm the speech you want to hear. Changing Hearing aids forever, from closing your world to opening it up again

Old hearing aid directionality to new hearing aid directionality

One open sound experience
Three levels of BrainHearing™ support

BrainHearing™ support is delivered by a unique combination of technologies working together to reduce listening effort and provide the brain with better conditions to perform in. The Oticon Opn range has now been expanded into three levels of technology, Level 1 which is top of the range, level 2 and level 3. 

Call 1800 84 88 88 now to book your free demonstration

Opn hearing aids technology levels

Rated 5 out of /5 based on over 40 customer reviews

Hearing Aids Hearing aids supplied and fitted to patient's individual hearing loss
  • Connect Hearing have reconnected me to my surroundings. Being part of the crowd is now wonderful. Before, I was on the side-line trying to keep up with the conversation and desperately trying to make those around me know I was interested in what they were saying. The after care and service is first class, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Connect Hearing as ‘THE PLACE’ to go and get your hearing checked

    Oticon Opn Hearing Aids Hearing aids supplied and fitted to patient's individual hearing loss
  • “My husband went into see Angela in Stillorgan after meeting her at the RDS, and she did a hearing test, she was the 3 Audiologist he seen with the first 2 telling him he needed a hearing aid. It was Anglea who told him he needed to see an ENT Doctor, which he did today to be told he would need grommets and that would improve his hearing.I would recommend anyone who needs a hearing test to visit Anglea as she seems to be more interested in the client than pushing sales. Thank you Angela”

    Mrs Hogan
    Hearing Aids Hearing aids supplied and fitted to patient's individual hearing loss
  • “Having used hearing aids supplied by you for a year and a half, I now feel competent in telling you how pleased I am, and to say they have brought a new dimension to my everyday living. In Particular I appreciate the constant service and supervision given me by Mr.James Clay your audio technologist for my area. I am recommending your company to my friends and I complement you and your staff on your product.”

    L Coyle
    Hearing Aids Hearing aids supplied and fitted to patient's individual hearing loss