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Bernafon Launches Leox Made For iPhone Hearing Aids For People With Severe & Profound Hearing Loss

I attended the launch of The new Leox range of power hearing aids from Bernafon today in Manchester. The Leox range is made up of two Behind The Ear hearing aid models over two technology levels. The hearing devices are Bluetooth enabled and designed to suit the needs of people with severe to profound hearing loss. For many years we had only one Made For iPhone hearing aid for power users; however, with the introduction of the Leox, it's now up to three ranges giving more choice within the space. Let’s take a look at the new range and what it has to offer.

Bernafon Leox hearing aids


The models

As I said, there are two models or types, the UP or Ultra Power and the SP or Super Power. There isn’t much difference in size between the two devices with the UP being only slightly bigger. The UP offers the most gain giving an industry-leading 146 dB output. The SP provides a very respectable 143 dB output.
The UP is powered by the massive 675 battery which will make power users very happy. The SP uses a smaller size 13 battery, again as I said, that doesn’t add up to a real difference in size. I think the better option for most users will be the 675 powered UP. It should give pretty outstanding battery life even when streaming audio.

Talking about streaming

The Bluetooth direct connection is the same dual-radio technology that powers the Viron range. It means that you can have a direct link to iPhones And iPads as well as the existing Bernafon accessories like the remote mic and the TV streamer. Both of the devices also have telecoils onboard as well. That's an excellent solution for someone who has the get the best sound information possible.

Direct Audio Input

The devices come with the option of direct audio input battery doors that will allow the use of FM receivers or direct audio input cables. For people with severe to profound hearing loss, FM systems are a godsend, and Bernafon has ensured that the Leox is ready for them.

The technology levels

There are two technology levels, the Leox 7 and the Leox 3, with the 7 being the higher technology device. Both technology levels use the proprietary channel free system from Bernafon and the new Decs system that is in the Viron. They also have that new feedback management system that has worked so well in the Viron.

I will finish up the technical research and we will get the Leox onto the pages of Know over the next couple of days so that you can have a more in-depth look at what is on offer. Like us on Facebook by clicking the button below to keep up with our latest utterances. Alternatively, if you don't like Facebook, sign up to the newsletter below. It is important to remember,  a hearing aid isn't properly fitted unless they do Real Ear Measurement.

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Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey Cooling

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Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry since 2007. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him.

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