Starkey Standard / SnapFit Receiver Wires
Starkey Standard RIC Receiver Wires are compatible with Starkey Zon, S Series, X Series, Y Series, E Series, Wi Series, Ignite and Xino 10 (not Xino 312) Starkey Snap Fit RIC Receiver Wires are compatible with Halo, Starkey Xino 312 and Starkey 3
Starkey Standard RIC Receiver Wires are compatible with Starkey Zon, S Series, X Series, Y Series, E Series, Wi Series, Ignite and Xino 10 (not Xino 312)
Starkey Snap Fit RIC Receiver Wires are compatible with Halo, Starkey Xino 312 and Starkey 3 Series.
For Starkey Destiny Receiver Wires please contact us for availability.
If you are unsure whether your existing wires are ‘Standard’ or ‘Snapfit’, remove one from the hearing aid and look closely at the connector that joins the wire to the hearing aid. On a Standard wire you will see 2 tiny gold pins, on a Snapfit wire you will see 6 tiny sockets.
Starkey Standard RIC Receiver Wires have previously been supplied in three power levels, 40dB, 50dB and 60dB, this is stamped on the receiver housing (the bit that sits furthest into the ear canal) as ’40’, ’50’ or ’60. 40dB wires have been superseded now, if you have been using 40dB previously please now order 50dB. 40dB wires are a light shiny grey, 50dB wires are a darker duller grey, and 60dB wires are also a darker duller grey but slightly larger than a 50dB wire.
N.B. Putting a 50dB wire on an aid previously programmed to accept a 40dB wire will provide unpredictable results, usually an increase in volume. We advise that you ask your local hearing professional to re-program your hearing aids to accept a 50dB wire once you have attached it for the most accurate results. Although a 50dB wire on a hearing aid previously programmed for a 40dB wire will work without re-programming it may produce more volume than you require / feel comfortable with.
The size of the wire is denoted by the number 1 to 5, 1 being the shortest and 5 the longest, this number will be red for right sided wires and blue for left.
We can supply a removal tool for Standard Wires if required for an extra £2.00 which is needed to change the receiver wire if dexterity is an issue, it is a very simple process to change the wire. For a useful video showing how to change the receiver wires click
The newer Snap Fit wires do not need a special tool to change the wire. Starkey Snap Fit RIC Receiver Wires are available in two power levels – 50dB and 60 dB. Snap Fit wires have a coloured tip, red for right and blue for left. On the housing of the receiver (the bit that sits in your ear) you will see either a number 50 or 60 to denote the power level of the wire and also a number from 1-5 indicating the receiver wire length, again in red for right or blue for left.
If you are still unsure please contact us for further instruction. If you have your serial numbers to hand please supply at the same time.
If you need a removal tool please contact us before we ship so we can order in and supply with your receiver wires.
Please select from the drop down boxes the power level, tube / wire size, and the side you require.
If you order the wrong size / type of receiver wire but can return unopened and in a re-saleable condition we are happy to replace with the correct item, however we cannot accept opened packets that we cannot re-sell.
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