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Starkey Surflink Remote Control

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Starkey Surflink Remote Control


A remote control for Starkey hearing aids - adjust your hearing aid for every situation without having to fiddle around your ears.

  • Description

    A solution for those who prefer a remote control to adjust their hearing aids. In addition to controlling memory and volume adjustments, these handy remotes allow you to adjust your hearing instruments or go in and out of streaming mode if you desire.

    This product will work with all Starkey wireless products including Z series, 3 Series, Wi Series, S Series, Tour and Ignite Wireless. (Not Halo, that streams wirelessly direct from iPhone / iPad etc).

    The Surflink Remote Control has an interesting innovation in that in can be converted from a Basic Mode, to Intermediate, to Advanced depending on the individual.

    With Basic Mode you only have access to the simplest controls, that is hearing aid side selector, volume up / down, Home button and a lock / unlock option.

    With Intermediate Mode you have additional access to a mute / unmute button and a memory changer.

    With Advanced Mode you also have access to a Favourite button which can be configured for instance as a Surflink Media Audio Streaming on / off button.

    You decide how much control you would like with your device!

    This device needs pairing to your hearing aids. You will need to arrange for this locally (you may be charged a fee for this service). If you are unsure you can contact us via our webform on the Contacts page with details before purchase and we will advise accordingly.

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