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STAGETEXT provides captioning at theatres

STAGETEXT performanceSTAGETEXT provides captioning for theatres and other arts venues to provide access to live performances for deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people.

STAGETEXT was established in May 2000 by Peter Pullan, Merfyn Williams and Geoff Brown. Each has a different type of deafness and a determination to improve access to the performing arts for all deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people.

“Captioning has made it possible for me to go to the theatre again. I no longer feel left out”

  • Captions are shown at the same time as the words are spoken or sung
  • People with any degree of hearing loss can fully understand
  • Sound effects or off-stage noises can be included
  • Full or edited text, any language
  • Scripted or live text

Captioning converts the spoken word into text, which is displayed on a caption unit that is viewed by the audience. As the captions roll (delivered live from a laptop computer by a trained captioner) audience members can follow what is said, when it is said and by whom. Sound effects and off-stage noises are also included.

Look for upcoming performances that are using STAGETEXT