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Widex To Introduce Remote Mic, Finally

It appears that Widex is finally about to introduce a remote microphone system if a video that came across our desk a couple of days ago is anything to go by. The new Com Dex Remote Mic is probably going to be introduced at EUHA (massive hearing aid conference and exhibition in Europe). It's about time, it is the only thing that their Dex line up has been missing and no doubt it will be a welcome addition. 

Com Dex Remote Mic

Com Dex Remote Mic To Be Introduced

The video details the working and pairing of the new Com Dex Remote Mic and it appeared on YouTube a couple of days ago. The remote mic appears to be quite slim and reminiscent of the Com Dex to which it will connect. As per usual with Widex it appears they have put plenty of thought into the design and functionality of the device. Here is the video:

The device will be a welcome addition to the Dex line up. Remote Mics are fantastic accessories to wireless hearing aids and their ommission in the Dex line up always seemed strange. A good remote mic can mean the difference between hearing in noise and not when you are wearing a lower technology hearing aid. This is something I have discussed before but it is worth saying again. 

Everyone would like to buy top of the range hearing aids, however, not all of us can afford it. Buying a cheaper technology level but adding a remote mic to it can be a life saver for people who would like to hear in more complex sound situations. We will keep you updated if and when we hear more about the Com Dex Remote Mic

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